Hugh Grant - Way Back Into Love lyrics
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
Oh oh oh
Song lyrics | Hugh Grant - Way Back Into Love lyrics
Oho,mooching at Tamp Macs.
Bought it on the 26th...or was it 27th?Beat the GST hike!
Metro had a closing down sale ysd..rise of the aunties.You'd wonder why CS turned into Changi Airport,luggages and all.
So it seems that we'll be spending our last week at Telepark,with all the last min must dos and piles of unfinished "stuffs".302. *coughliescough*
Oh and here's something that ain't new...I'm late again!Haaaah.
I saw this couple playing HoTD4 at CS and man,the guy sucks.I don't usually hate people for being sucky at games(crosses fingers) but this guy's Sibeh action on top of being sucky and not good-looking. =.= My bad for the last part.
AND (yes there's AND =D) the gf plays so much better than him.$2 per play leh.
Coin donaters.
I'm having supper later.HAHAHAHA.I wana get fat.Fat is GOOD.
And erm,Dota is bad for health,but it's actually good if you're like me who enjoys all the bad things.Man,i'm so bad,im GOOD.
Yesterday i lost my self-control and played Dota till 3am,nearing 4.Tonight i'm blaming it all on the Supper and not Dota.Yeeha~~~!
I feel transparent.
Yes yes,you've got a bf.And you too.And you and you and ...
No i'm not emo-ing online,besides this blog was created for me to remember everything that i experienced/had done.I just wanted in down in black and white.
$35 for 60GB portable HDD,yesiree.
Baracuda Lite(Blue) yes
Kingston 4GB MS yes
Ben san,wo ai si ni lah.
Tml shall be the day.
I spoiled the shelve ysd,it went off the rack.It seems lke someone has fixed it since it's back on the rails today.Was lucky Joseph didn't scold me.
Lavender - Beach Rd (Terriyaki PPK set) - Across the street (Msia tour brochures)- Home.
I wonder if Serene is okay.We didn't meet up the end.
Blood plus. :wub: And i'm "revising" Trinity Blood again + Dota session.
I'll need plenty of sleep for Anime Marathons and Dota but i couldn't care less.
Damn,was i late.Shuttle bus.Oh i cheated =X HAh it was supposed to be 60 cents but i only paid 50. I can't believe im so "aunty".And yeah Serene is fine and so is Ben,who's recovering from food poisoning.=/ China.Pffft.
We can hang out after yr O's and AFTER you've bought MHF lah,Del! =X I missed streetfest too,ah fuck.
The KBOX session 3pax part2 doesn't seem like it's gonna happen tml.Screwed up planning and miscommuncation.YAY,which means more time for Dota and Animes!Omgs to self,"you're on the way to becoming a no-lifer!".I feel happy.=D
Say hi to my eyebags,i'ts their time now.
Fweee on a brighter note,i THINK i'm getting a haircut this Sunday.See the word in Caps?=D
Offtopic: We don't know what to do with the G Strings.
7pm at JE Macs yesterday.
I was hoping she wouldn't see us standing near the rubbish bin,trying to hide ourselves away from her view.Aiyah.But she did lah.
Dota query session at Long John's over dinner.I took the chance to spam her with Noob questions(NOOB) like omgwtficantfindthesecretshop.Roshan?WHAT ROSHAN.Demon Edge and heroes etc.
YP was acting dao as usual,so we just continued with the Dota chat. =X
The possibilities of Naix surviving against Morphling in the early game = 0.
Lightning Revenant,Queen of Pain and Prophet.
QOP is a sexy bitch."Don't be shy."
Alan Luo,Wang Li Hom,Jay Chou,TANK ... ungh the usual.I abused the remote controller since it's damaged already.A pity we couldn't get to One Night in Beijing,though i've got it on the list.I feel high over what the sotong had commented on my singing.
Mastered 小丑魚 ... waiting for your call.
Ended at ard 11:30.Last song was 三国恋.
Edit:Found the shop at around midnight.
Human - Me And btw,i'm only good with Humans so err. =.=
NightElf - Com (Normal)
Undead - Com (Normal)
Undead - Com (Insane)
I lost lah. T.T
My favourite Hero shld be the Mountain King.Yes,the old ah pek with BEARD(omg).
As for Dota...i'm a spammer,so i love Jakiro the twin headed dragon.
Jas said she plays random now.I HAVE TO BRUSH up because i have a feeling that i'll be thrashed by her.
Gaming aside i find that having the Gatsby Song as your ringtone is COOL,like my sis.
"I ~~~ can give you Gatsby.Gatsby~~~."
Her phone rang in the middle of our random conversation.AND WE SANG ALONG IT.
Note: I'm using sis lappie,still no proper internet connection till now.*Fishing in MS*
There's something wrong with my family.And i actually like it that way.
Mosquito bites,the light in my room is spoiled(again),i named the different sections of dust lying around in my room,clothes on the floor,blinds that were never washed since i duno when,wires all over,CDs and Mangas on the floor,Psp games and Gameboy SP too,boxes and coins.
Oh wait.It's just ME.
I did a triple post today.A chat with you never fails to brighten up my day.
But you can try to cut down on the sarcasm.
You Are 9: The Peacemaker
You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.
Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.
You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.
Avoiding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.
At Your Best: You feel connected, trusting, and fulfilled. You feel at peace with your place in the world.
At Your Worst: You compromise your values to make sure peace is maintained. You give in to bullies.
Your Fixation: Harmony
Your Primary Fear: Causing conflict
Your Primary Desire: To preserve things as they are
Other Number 9's: Marge Simpson, Ronald Reagan, Audrey Hepburn, Jerry Seinfeld, and Abraham Lincoln.
And i'm back to this song again.
No Promises lyrics
CMI Wanton Noodles.Random bus trip with mum!Bus 197 - Queensway Shopping Centre.
window SHOPPING(!!!).Quote "Kua mian lui eh mah!"
Erm okay. -.-lll
Size 30 pants ... hmmm i think i've grown.Bottom.
I want a Ray Ban lah.Pffft.
"Eh isn't that your shirt?"
Yeah i bought it here,what do you expect.
And oh ... my infamous jagged EZ link card that jams all the top up machhines is now replaced.Bah,i have feelings for the jagged one you know.
Saw uncle Michael at the bus stop,he's auntie Helen's elder brother.*reminds self*
I can't stand China people.Their accent is ... horrible.You'll never know how i felt when the two of them got off the bus.
Lunch was Thai Basil Chicken set,which was great at a reasonable price of $5.90.Spring Rolls with sweet chili included.Plus Tom-Yam Soup of course.
I saw Doris at the interchange.Or rather,she saw me.She hasn't changed at all.Rushing for her final project in Poly.Sounds cool.Electronics and Communication.
And i haven't bathe.Ta ~
Note: I'm mooching again.i THINK i rawk.
Who:Remember me?
Not:Your average girl,Rich,Smart